The Plan has a key role to play in guiding the creation of well-designed sustainable neighbourhoods and places which are capable of strengthening the connection between communities and the places they share.
The Plan has a key role to play in Climate Action and opportunities for renewable Energy Provision.
The plan has a key role in allocating population growth and delivering the right type of housing in the right locations in order to ensure the delivery of sustainable communities within the County
Setting the right framework for Sustainable Transport in the County will help shape and improve the environment creating a safer, healthier and more welcoming and connected place contributing towards the development of sustainable communities
Setting out the framework for the provision of high-quality Social infrastructure is critical in order to secure economic investment and create sustainable communities.
The plan must ensure sufficient lands are zoned for employment and the right types of jobs are provided in the right locations in order to successful delivery of sustainable communities throughout the County.
The Plan must ensure that a balance is achieved in terms of land use and development whilst protecting and promoting our natural environment and Biodiversity.
The plan must facilitate the development of critical Physical, Environmental (water/wastewater, communications infrastructure in tandem with new development in order to secure economic investment and create sustainable communities.